Seasons Investment Platform
Our team of seasoned experts focuses on providing unbiased, consistent, and comprehensive wealth management advice, tailored solely to our clients’ objectives and unique circumstances.
We believe in creating fully customized investment strategies that are specifically designed for your personal needs.
The foundation of the Seasons approach lies in adherence to our fundamental tenets:
- We put people first. At the core of Eide Bailly Wealth’s philosophy is the belief that the needs of investors should always come first.
- We look at the evidence. We lean heavily on available research, market performance and other data—and not trendy tips or flavor-of-the-month investment methods. And we look at the evidence constantly with the goal of building the best possible portfolios for investors.
- We believe in thinking and acting strategically. We provide guidance to aid clients in maintaining discipline toward their long-term goals in the face of financial market volatility and noise.
- We are relentless about transparency, costs, and efficiency. In addition to seeking to optimize diversification and other performance factors, we carefully manage the impact of fees, other costs, and taxes. Our investment-provider relationships are free of revenue-sharing arrangements, so we can make decisions about investment opportunities based only on their merits.
- We are always vigilant. We conduct on-going monitoring to help ensure our clients’ investments, money managers, and custodians continue to meet our strict guidelines.
What We Offer
With a foundation of more than 60 years of academic research into the dynamics of financial markets and investor behavior, the Seasons investment process is based on broad market diversification, academically derived factors, and efficient portfolio construction.
We use decades of data-driven research to determine what we believe to be optimal investment combinations, using a range of investments and managers that have historically shown the potential to deliver greater returns over time.
Our approach to investing is guided by fundamental principles applied thoughtfully and with diligence.
When it comes to achieving your most important goals, put evidence on your side with a globally diversified portfolio solution designed to put the power of markets to work for you. Backed by some of the world’s most noted money managers and the experienced Eide Bailly Wealth Investment Team, Seasons provides a complete portfolio solution.
Let us help you reach your goals
Investment Committee Members
Brad Kelley, Principal/Wealth Leader
Daren Pladson, CIMA®, Principal/Wealth Advisor
John McDermott, Ph.D, Chief Investment Strategist, Symmetry Partners, LLC
Alternatives Portfolio
Balanced Growth Portfolio
Equity Growth Portfolio
Income Portfolio
International Defensive Equity Portfolio
International/Emerging Equity Portfolio
Market Bond Portfolio
Moderate Growth Portfolio
Moderate Portfolio
Sector Momentum Portfolio
Short-Bond Portfolio
Strategic Income Portfolio
Tax-Managed Market Bond Portfolio
U.S. Defensive Equity Portfolio
U.S. Equity Portfolio
U.S. Equity Select Portfolio
U.S. Ultra Defensive Seasons Select Portfolio
U.S. Ultra Momentum Seasons Select Portfolio
U.S. Ultra Value Seasons Select Portfolio
Eide Bailly can help you create a customized investment strategy.
Our comprehensive, relationship-focused approach is tailored to meet your needs. Our portfolios are grounded in using over 60 years of market data and academic research.